This is a true story that happened in Cental Park NYC. The pictures are very low-res because this was the year 2001. I remember they were taken with a digital video camera so maybe there is a video too, now long lost?
The snowbeing in question appeared to be bear-shaped. It was very cute. The head ended up precariously reattached.
We ingored a "please keep out" sign and jumped a fence to reach the nice fresh snow area, just like the builders of the bear did I assume. I was wearing platform boots I got at a second hand shop, like pretty much every single item of clothing I wear, because it's affordable and it keeps them being loved. I wore those boots a lot while I believed they were in style, which was a long time. I don't think they were really "in style", it was just my personal style.
I was inspired to write this story because yesterday me and my sister were also involved in a snowbeing accidental decapitation. I don't have pictures of the "after", because we didn't reattach the head, and fled the crime scene so to speak. This makes me embarassed to post the "before" picture I have. It seems I had higher heels and higher morals back then.